HealthNext Summit Program

>>MONDAY | MARCH 4, 2024

All programming is in the main room of the Verizon Executive Center, unless otherwise indicated

9:15 AM >> Doors Open

10:00 AM >> Welcome

  • Greg Morrisett - Jack and Rilla Neafsey Dean, Vice Provost, Cornell Tech

10:15 AM >> Fireside Chat with Susan Monarez, Deputy Director, ARPA-H

Moderator: Tanzeem Choudhury - Roger and Joelle Burnell Professor in Integrated Health and Technology, Cornell Tech and Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute

11:00 AM >> Lightning Talk - NanoGold

Yael Blechman - Founder, NanoGold MedTech

11:05 AM >> Harnessing the Power of AI to Transform Clinical Care

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging force in healthcare, revolutionizing the landscape of clinical care. From predictive analytics to personalized treatment plans, AI technologies are improving patient outcomes and optimizing operational efficiency. This panel will feature experts who are at the forefront of this revolution and explore the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in leveraging AI for clinical care. Through discussions of case studies and real-world examples, this panel will provide Summit attendees with valuable insights into the transformative potential of AI in clinical care. Whether you are a healthcare provider, researcher, policymaker, or industry stakeholder, join us to hear how AI is reshaping the future of healthcare delivery and improving patient outcomes.

  • Moderator: Zayed Yasin - Healthcare Industry Lead, Writer

    Ashley Beecy - Medical Director, AI Operations, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College

    Mert Sabuncu - Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell Tech, Vice Chair of AI and Engineering Research, Weill Cornell Medical Radiology

    Fei Wang - Professor of Population Health Sciences, Director of Institute of AI for Digital Health, Weill Cornell Medicine

    Uday Kumar - Founder, President, CEO, Element Science, Inc., Founder, iRhythm Technologies, Inc., Sr Advisor, Stanford Byers Center for Biodesign


1:00 PM >> Restorative Movements led by Sarita Allen

  • Reignite your body's natural energy flow and regain mental clarity with this invigorating interlude. Harness the power of your breath to engage your core, ensuring effortless posture and a serene sitting experience. Mobilize your spinal column, release tension in the neck and shoulders, and foster flexibility by elongating your hamstrings. Join us for a short session that promises to refresh both body and mind.

1:15 PM >> Fireside Chat with Micky Tripathi, PhD, MPP, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, US Department of Health & Human Services

Moderator: JP Pollak - ​Co-founder, The Commons Project Foundation, Senior Researcher-in-Residence, Cornell Tech

1:50 PM >> Lightning Talk - Biotia

Niamh O'Hara - PhD - CEO, Co-founder, Biotia

1:55 PM >> Building Trust and Alliance in AI Healthcare Solutions

  • This panel will focus on the importance of trust and human-AI collaboration in the development and implementation of AI solutions in healthcare. As AI becomes a critical component of healthcare solutions, establishing trust among stakeholders and fostering alliances between diverse partners will be essential for ensuring the ethical, responsible, and equitable adoption of these technologies. This panel brings together thought leaders and experts who are taking a human-centered approach in designing AI healthcare solutions to ensure transparency, fairness, and prioritizing patient welfare.

  • Moderator: Divya Pathak - Chief Data Officer, NYC Health + Hospitals

    Lama Nachman - Intel Fellow, Director of Intelligent Systems Lab

    James Landay - Co-founder, Co-director, Stanford Institute for Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI)

    Aniq Rahman - Founder, CEO, Fabric

    Roy Perlis - Associate Chief for Research, Department of Psychiatry, Director, Center for Quantitative Health, Massachusetts General Hospital

2:45 PM >> Break

3:05 PM >> Lightning Talk - Fig Medical

Florence Luna - CEO, Co-founder, Fig Medical

3:10 PM >> Healthcare Delivery and Payment in the Age of AI

  • As AI technologies permeate every aspect of healthcare – from diagnosis to treatment, administrative tasks to billing processes – it's essential to explore how these advancements are changing the landscape of healthcare delivery and payment models. This panel will explore key topics, including AI-enabled clinical decision support, streamlined administrative processes, and the transition from fee-for-service to value-based care models.

4:00 PM >> Fireside Chat with Dr. Sumbul Desai, VP of Health, Apple

Moderator: Deborah Estrin - Professor of Computer Science, Associate Dean for Impact, Cornell Tech

4:45 PM >> Closing Remarks

5:00 PM >> Opening Reception

>>TUESDAY | MARCH 5, 2024

8:15 AM >> Doors Open

9:00 AM >> Welcome

  • Rainu Kaushal - Senior Associate Dean of Clinical Research, Weill Cornell Medicine

9:05 AM >> Cyber Threats to Healthcare Data and AI Models

  • Moderator: Raj Pannu - CEO, Emergence Creative

    Curtis Cole - Vice President, Chief Global Information Officer, Weill Cornell Medical College

    Vitaly Shmatikov - Professor of Computer Science, Cornell University and Cornell Tech

    Virginia McFerran - Board Member, Keystone Strategies

9:45 AM >> Investing in a Brave New World: The Generative AI Revolution and Beyond

  • Historically, healthcare has been one of the least digitized industries and often lags behind other industries in the adoption of new technologies. Yet, it is one of the industries where AI, especially Generative AI, could create step-function change, dramatically lower administrative costs, and improve access. This panel will feature a venture investor perspective on the state of Generative AI in the healthcare industry, the challenges of adopting and scaling this new technology, and the promise of it. We will also discuss potential accelerants that could propel the adoption of Generative AI technologies and help US Healthcare leapfrog into the AI age.

10:30 AM >> Lightning Talk - Nanit

Natalie Barnett, PhD - VP of Clinical Research, Nanit

10:35 AM >> Coffee Break

10:55 AM >> Lightning Talk - biaWear

David Levine - CEO, Founder, biaWear

11:00 AM >> Future of AI in Healthcare

  • This dynamic panel discussion will explore how AI technologies such as natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, speech, and language processing are transforming the future of healthcare. These tools are revolutionizing how we diagnose, treat, and manage diseases, while simultaneously improving efficiency and accessibility in healthcare systems. What are effective strategies for leveraging AI technologies to enhance patient engagement, improve health literacy, provide clinical decision support, and promote accessibility to healthcare information and services? Our panel of experts will explore these questions by delving into innovative applications of AI technologies across various healthcare domains.

  • Moderator: Michael Aratow - Co-founder, Chief Medical Officer, Ellipsis Health

    Rebecca Schechter - SVP, General Manager, Nuance Healthcare/DAX Nuance (a Microsoft Company)

    Curtis Cole - Vice President, Chief Global Information Officer, Weill Cornell Medical College

    Dale Webster - Research Director, Google Health

    Vince Hartman - CEO, Co-founder, Abstractive Health

11:50 AM >> Lightning Talk - Wesper

Dr. Amir Reuveny - CEO, Wesper 

11:55 AM >> Climate, Mental Health, and AI

  • One of the largest growing threats to our mental health is climate change. Some 68% of American Gen Zers report that climate change has affected their mental health, and 75% have already taken action to address these issues. Yet while the connection between the two is clear, the breadth and complexity of that connection is not. Technology plays a unique role at the intersection of these two themes—social media, for example, has the ability to connect people to one another, but also has anxiety-provoking power. This panel will bring together cross-disciplinary thinkers and doers for a wide-ranging conversation across climate, mental health, and AI.

  • Moderator: Chethan Sarabu, MD - Co-founder, Climate Health Innovation and Learning Lab (CHILL), Clinical Assistant Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine

    Cierra Gromoff - Co-founder, CEO, Kismet Health

    Anya Kamenetz - Senior Advisor, Climate Mental Health Network

    Rachna Saralkar - Medical Product Director,

12:40 PM >> Lightning Talk - Climate Change AI

Maria João Sousa - Executive Director, Climate Change AI


1:30 PM >> Lightning Talk - Ash

Kyle Waters - Co-founder, Chief Product Officer, Ash Wellness

1:35 PM >> Fireside Chat with Art Caplan, Drs. William F. and Virginia Connolly Mitty Professor of Bioethics, NYU and Helen Nissenbaum, Andrew H. and Ann R. Tisch Professor of Information Science, Cornell Tech

Moderator: Derek Yach - Global Health Strategies/Former WHO, Rockefeller Foundation, WEF

2:20 PM >> Lightning Talk - Prehab Prep

Malwina Lewicka - Founder, Prehab Prep

2:25 PM >> Fireside Chat with David C. Rhew, Global Chief Medical Officer, VP of Healthcare, Microsoft

Moderator: Danish Munir - Founding Partner, GreyMatter Capital

3:10 PM >> Closing Note

3:30 PM >> Networking

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